You know the basics
Once you have learned the basics such as learning to read Korean, blend sounds together and associate the meaning of these new words, you will want to apply those words to a broader context.
As a high beginner, you can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance for example, personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment, and likes and interests to name a few. Naturally, you will want to progress to the next stage within your grasp.
The way we designed these books
We have designed our book series to to use vocabulary and grammar you are familiar with but in story form.
We have researched textbooks, courses, TOPIK proficiency tests in search of the common vocabulary and grammar. We have also compared our vocabulary to other proficiency tests such as the Mandarin Chinese test (HSK), the Japanese-language test (JLPT) and lastly the British English proficiency test (IELTS).
We combined this information to provide resources for you that are easy enough to work through on your own but with a slight challenge too. There can be new vocabulary or longer sentences to start to get you into the practice of reading and understanding the text beyond what you are comfortable with from your studies.
Our books are written entirely in Korean
If you have never thought you could read entirely in Korean, our books are here to guide you to becoming more confident in achieving this huge goal.
We use lots of repetition throughout our resources so you really get a chance to know the new words by the end of story.
Other Features
All of our books are accompanied with audio to make sure you can hear a native Korean reading the story. It's important to hear the pauses, intonations, tone of voice as these all contribute to speaking and listening practices as you learn more Korean.
As you are doing everything in Korean - reading, comprehending, visualising, processing - the first few times will feel a little tiring. But practicing daily, you can see the results of reading and re-reading our stories in Korean. All of our novels are illustrated to give you a visual sense of what you are reading.